What Class Do You Want To Book For? —Please choose an option—Puppy Pre-school (6 - 16 Weeks)Basic ObedienceAdvanced TrainingAgilityHome Assessment/Training First Name* Last Name*: Email*: Phone*: Street Address*: City*: State*: —Please choose an option—ACTNSWNTQLDTASVICWA Postcode*: Dog Name*: Sex*: —Please choose an option—Desexed FemaleDesexed MaleEntire FemaleEntire Male Age*: Breed*: Do You Have Other Dogs At Home?YesNo Where Did You Get Your Dog?: Where Do You Keep Your Dog When You Go Out?: What Goals Do You Want To Achieve?: How Often Do You Walk Your Dog? —Please choose an option—Once a dayOnce a weekOther How Long Do You Walk Your Dog? —Please choose an option—15 mins30 mins45 mins60 min How Often Do Go To An Off-leash Dog Park? —Please choose an option—DailyWeeklyNever What Do You Feed Your Dog? Do You Have No-Go Zones In Your Home,eg Bedroom, Couch? YesNo Where Does Your Dog Sleep? How Long Have You Owned Your Dog? How Often Do You Let Your Dog Inside?: —Please choose an option—DailyWeeklyNever How Would You Describe Your Dog? Multiple selections allowed Sensitive/shyReactive to other dogsFearfulPushyNips/BitesDestructiveExcess energyDominantAggressiveNoisy/barksJumps upToo attached to me Other Comments: Where did you find us?*: —Please choose an option—AdvertisingFacebookGooglePrevious clientReferralSignageWord of mouthOther Agreement – to waiver assumption of risk I understand that attending Centenary Dog Obedience Training Class is not without risk. I hereby waive and release Kerrie Jenkins, Steven McLennan and Centenary Dog Obedience from any and all liability of any nature, for injury or damage which I or my dog may suffer, while attending any training session or while on training grounds of 44 Goggs Road , Jindalee. Δ