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Start Dates: TBA

Saturday : TBA

Monday TBA

Start anytime, Saturday, no waiting to enrol in our comprehensive puppy training program.

Bookings essential

Course Duration:
1 hr class, held once a week for 4 weeks

When: TBA
Start anytime from 

No waiting, in our rolling start.

Saturday – TBA
Monday – TBA

Fees: $150

Puppies from 6 – 16 weeks are invited to join our 4 week comprehensive Puppy  Training program… anytime!

Socialization is maximized with our no waiting, rolling start.

We believe foundation training for puppies improves their temperament and strengthens the bond between owner and puppy, resulting in a friendly confident adult dog.

Unwanted behaviours can develop at a rapid rate without adequate and informed training.


What to expect from our puppy program:

    • Socialising
    • Basic Obedience / commands
    • Confidence building
    • Lead walking
    • Toileting
    • Crate training
    • Boredom busters
    • Jumping up
    • Nipping
    • Whining
    • Barking
    • Diet
    • Grooming
    • Leave
    • Travel Safety
    • Problem Solving

Each graduating puppy will receive a certificate, and a CENTENARY DOG OBEDIENCE lead.

Our goal is to ensure you receive all the knowledge and assistance you require to start life out on the right paw with your new canine companion.

Bookings essential

Course Duration:
1hr class, held once a week

Dates:- 2025

Saturday TBA
Monday TBA

Fees: $230

Is your dog 4 months of age or older?
Does your dog come when called?
Does your dog have selective hearing?
Does your dog whine at the back door, or bark for attention?
Does your dog pull on the lead?
Does your dog react to another dog when walking?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s time to make a booking at CENTENARY DOG OBEDIENCE for our 6 Week Basic Obedience Course.

Our reward-based training sessions run for an hour on a Saturday at 7:30am.

You and your dog will experience a training program that is easy for you and fun for your dog, regardless of breed, size, or age. The training grounds are fenced and secure.

Our group classes will take you through the basic commands using positive reinforcement. Building confidence and gaining control as you open up a line of communication between you and your dog.

What to expect from our 6 week Basic Dog Obedience Course:

The ground work for a well-trained dog that is a delight to own and a pleasure to be around
Assistance to achieve your training goals
We teach you to teach your dog so a life-long bond forms
You’ll learn to problem solve, understand dog signals and body language
How to use rewards and praise to gain control
Full support once the course is completed
A certificate of completion & a free CDO dog lead

Our Canine Behavourist team have a wealth of knowledge and experience and are effective and efficient at helping you train your dog to become a welcome member of your family and the community.

Training your dog is part of responsible dog ownership. So remember, it’s never too late to train your dog.

Bookings Essential

Dates:- 2025


Start date:- TBA 2025

Centenary Dog Obedience Advanced Dog Training Course will motivate, stimulate and energise both handler and canine. You’ll be mentally and physically challenged in each of the three training sessions.

This premier class is the next level up from our Basic Obedience Course, the ultimate professional education for you and your dog.

Problem Solving

Together we’ll work on problems associated with your dog and the environment. Homework, our speciality.

Your goal

To train your dog, to respond to commands without hesitation.
To become a team, working with your dog, on lead and off lead.
To be aware of body language, canine communication and problem-solving.

Our goal

To give you the information and structure that is the hallmark of advanced dog training at CENTENARY DOG OBEDIENCE.

All dogs have the capacity to learn, with no exception of age or breed.

Dogs understand the power and the fun that can be had, when the pack is in tact.

This class is your safety net, for everything dog.

New clients with Basic Obedience skills are welcomed to join our beginner training session.

When: TBA
Fees: TBA

Challenge your dog, challenge yourself in our mentally stimulating Agility class.

This is the ultimate in precision, speed and a willingness to work as a team.

From Novice (on lead) to Advanced (off lead), your dog will be fulfilled as we give you a handle on developing focus to succeed.


Agility Course Requirements:

  • Dogs must have solid basic obedience skills
  • Suitable footwear
  • Dogs must be fully vaccinated


What to expect from our Agility Classes:

  • Professional guidance to succeed
  • Height categories – the appropriate jumping height for your dog
  • Introduction to the various pieces of equipment
  • Individual assessment
  • Fun and fitness training

Dogs with fear issues or aggressive issues overcome their negative behaviours in the sport of Agility.

Centenary Dog Obedience offer professional dog training in your own home.


We will design a training program tailored to you and your dog’s specific needs.

Our private lesson, offers valuable one-on-one individualized training in all areas of managing your dog.

Resolving unwanted behaviours can be appropriately addressed in the privacy of your home rather than in a group situation.


What to expect from a private Home Dog Training lesson:

  • Accessing the dog
  • Prioritizing behaviours
  • Establishing pack structure
  • Nutrituation
  • How to interact and communicate with your dog
  • Tailoring a training schedule
  • Understanding behaviour modification and management techniques
  • Ongoing training program

CDO offer an unparalleled hour session on behaviour modification in our Home Training program.

Call to make an appointment 0492 846 113

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